Reading Outcomes Framework Toolkit

Evidence by outcome

This section of the Toolkit contains the evidence that supports the inclusion of the outcomes in the Framework. It can also be used to demonstrate the case for reading for pleasure and empowerment programmes. The Toolkit doesn't include evidence for the reading engagement outcomes. This is because these are the direct outcomes that you will need to measure to know that your activity has impacted on reading engagement (which in turn can contribute to the wider outcomes). These outcomes are specific to the individual activity and so it is not relevant to include general evidence about how other programmes have contributed to them.

The wider outcomes of reading for pleasure and empowerment, health and well-being, intellectual, personal and social are included in the Framework due to specific evidence that highlights how reading contributes to each of these outcomes. The evidence is mostly drawn from a report we commissioned for this project which reviewed the literature about the impact of reading for pleasure and empowerment. The report focused on reading that takes place outside of the formal education environment and on the outcomes of reading for pleasure and empowerment other than improved literacy. The selection criteria are outlined in the report.

The strength of the evidence included varies and the research that is cited uses a variety of methods, with different audiences and focused on different types of reading. The full references are included at the end of the section. To investigate how the outcomes relate directly to your work you will need to carry out your own evaluation, but you may find it useful to use the existing evidence to put your own findings into context.

The Toolkit also doesn't include direct evidence about how reading for pleasure and empowerment contributes to positive cultural, economic and societal impacts. These impacts can follow on from the health and wellbeing, intellectual, personal and social outcomes, but because they take place at a societal level it is difficult to measure how they directly relate to activity to encourage reading for pleasure and empowerment.

If you are aware of any evidence that we should consider adding to this section please email the details to The Reading Agency.